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シン クア ノン ステイン / ストック マグナム アソート2本 (グルナッシュ1 シラー1) 2012 シネ クア ノン シンクアノン シネクアノン カリフォルニア 赤ワイン

Item Number 1

セット内容2012 Stein Grenache 1500ml x1本2012 Stock Syrah 1500ml x1本 2012 Sine Qua Non Grenache Stein97pt.Drink2017-2030Starting with the Grenache release, the 2012 Grenache Stein is a blend of 76% Grenache, 16% Syrah and 8% Mourvedre, aged in 14% new French oak (15% was in concrete), that comes mostly from the estate's Eleven Confessions Vineyard in the Sta. Rita Hills, but also includes grapes from the Cumulus, Third Twin (Syrah) and Bien Nacido vineyards. Checking in at 15.7% alcohol, it's no lightweight, yet it has considerable elegance in its sweet blackcurrants, white pepper, licorice, baking spices and hints of violet-like aromas and flavors. Possessing the hallmark purity of the estate, it's full-bodied, concentrated, rich and textured, with sweet tannin barely noticeable on the finish. I don't think it's one of the greatest Grenaches from the estate, yet it's still an incredible effort that will benefit from short-term cellaring and have 15-20 years or more of overall longevity.eRobertParker.com #220 Aug 2015 2012 Sine Qua Non Syrah Stock98pt.Drink2017-2032A step up from the Grenache, the blockbuster-styled 2012 Syrah Stock checks in as a blend of 84% Syrah, 7% Grenache, 6% Petit Sirah, and the rest Viognier and Mourvedre, that was fermented with 32% whole clusters and aged in just over half new French oak. It offers stunning notes of blackcurrants, cassis, smoked meats, ground pepper and wild herbs to go with a full-bodied, unctuous, layered, yet always graceful and elegant feel on the palate. Nicely structured, with perfect overall balance, it still has the open-knit character of the vintage, yet has plenty of underlying structure, which at the moment is slightly hidden by the wine's lavish fruit. It will be better in 2-3 years, and have two decades of overall longevity.eRobertParker.com #220 Aug 2015

Item Number 1

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ ロマネ ROMANEE
Price 商品価格 294,800円(税込み)



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