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<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Adventures of Squirrel Nutkin & Friends (8 Books with 260+ Original Illustrations in One Volume)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: "The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin" is about an impertinent red squirrel named Nutkin and his narrow escape from an owl called Old Brown. "The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle" - Mrs. Tiggy-winkle is a hedgehog washerwoman who lives in a tiny cottage in the fells of the Lake District. A child named Lucie happens upon the cottage and stays for tea. "The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher" - Jeremy Fisher is a frog who lives in a "slippy-sloppy" house at the edge of a pond. One rainy day he collects worms for fishing, and sets off across the pond on his lily-pad boat. "The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck": Jemima is a domestic duck of the Aylesbury breed, whose eggs are routinely confiscated by the farmer's wife because she believes Jemima a poor sitter. Jemima searches for a place away from the farm where she can hatch her eggs without human interference, and naively confides her woes to a fox… "The Tale of Ginger and Pickles" tells of two shopkeepers who extend unlimited credit to their customers and, as a result, are forced to go out of business. "The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes" - Timmy Tiptoes is a squirrel believed to be a nut-thief by his fellows, and imprisoned by them in a hollow tree with the expectation that he will confess under confinement. "The Tale of Mr. Tod" is about a badger called Tommy Brock and his arch enemy Mr. Tod, a fox. Brock kidnaps the children of Benjamin Bunny and his wife Flopsy, intending to eat them, and hides them in an oven in the home of Mr. Tod. "The Tale of Pigling Bland" describes the adventures of the pig of the title and how his life changes upon meeting a soul mate, in much the same way that Potter's life was changing at the time the book was published.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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