A Bad Day for an Urban Sasquatch【電子書籍】[ Colin Reed ]


<p>Herman, having recently been made redundant, is being fussily groomed by his wife as she perfects the state of his suit he is obliged to wear for a job interview that morning. He is used to wearing overalls for work, and being generally casual or careless in his ordinary, everyday, dress sense.To walk the streets like a tailor's dummy is completely uncharacteristic of him, but he has to do it because he needs to work. He would have preferred not to exist today. It was like going on a dangerous recce into enemy lines, away from the security of his home in which he can find his true self expression. Like a glass of water to a man wandering through a desert, the music in his head is his only means of survival.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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