Behind The Masque【電子書籍】[ Ian Hall ]

Behind The Masque【電子書籍】[ Ian Hall ] Behind The Masque【電子書籍】[ Ian Hall ] Behind The Masque【電子書籍】[ Ian Hall ]

<p> In a small kirk in the lowland moors of Scotland, a wedding takes place.<br /> Withered from a childhood Ilness, and banned from the ceremony, Arabella watches her mother marry.<br /> She settles into her new household, trampled by her new step-father and step-sisters. It seems she is destined to a life of drudgery.<br /> Then a newly raised Laird appears in the village, looking for a wife.... and he has his eye on Arabella.</p> <p> Behind The Masque is a horror story with a vampire vengeance twist.</p> <p> This edition also comes with a FREE bonus; the first four chapters in the Vampire High School series.</p> <p> Other Vampire Books in Kobo;</p> <p> Vampire High School 1. Gregor Academy<br /> Vampire High School 2. The Helsing Diaries<br /> Vampire High School 3. The Rage Wars<br /> Vampire High School 4. Blood Red Roses<br /> Vampire High School: Blood Anthology... All the character backstories, and much more.</p> <p> Check out for new releases.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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