Murder and the MasqueradeBook 1 of the Dorothy Phaire Romantic Mystery Series【電子書籍】[ Dorothy Phaire ]

Murder and the MasqueradeBook 1 of the Dorothy Phaire Romantic Mystery Series【電子書籍】[ Dorothy Phaire ] Murder and the MasqueradeBook 1 of the Dorothy Phaire Romantic Mystery Series【電子書籍】[ Dorothy Phaire ] Murder and the MasqueradeBook 1 of the Dorothy Phaire Romantic Mystery Series【電子書籍】[ Dorothy Phaire ]

<p>"Mystery, murder, and romance weave a tale around characters who are Black professionals living in today's world. Phaire writes with a style that struts from start to finish."<br /> <strong>-E. Ethelbert Miller</strong>, director, African American Resource Center, Howard University</p> <p>"<em>Murder and the Masquerade</em>, demonstrates how important it is to address your unfinished business since the only true relationship begins with yourself. This book makes the point very well. I am sure it will change the way many women think and behave in their romantic experiences."<br /> <strong>-Audrey B. Chapman</strong>, author, <em>Seven Attitude Adjustments</em></p> <p>When Dr. Renee Hayes is suspected of involvement in a murder case, she becomes conflicted about her ethical oath as a psychologist. Torn between her professional loyalty to a patient and her young lover, who is investigating the case, Renee is forced to do whatever it takes to clear her own name and rethink her purpose in life. But the most shocking secret of all is unlocked in the end, and it will change all of their lives forever.</p> <p>Packed with drama and intrigue, <em>Murder and the Masquerade</em> opens up the details of an intense love triangle, woven around a murder plot that is anything but typical.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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